A History of Preston in Hertfordshire
Farewell Meeting On Monday, a farewell tea and meeting took place in the Gospel Tent of the Evangelisation Society. Mr G Attwood, the Minister in charge of the tent, who has been holding meetings in the villages of Woolmer Green, Codicote, Whitwell and Preston bidding farewell to his hearers until next season. The tent was neatly decorated. About 100 persons sat down to tea and a public meeting was subsequently held. 22 September 1899 Sunday School activity The Bunyan Chapel friends celebrated the anniversary of the work on July 13. The Rev C S Jenner of Hitchin assisted by Mr James Rennie, a well-known local colporteur, took the services. Mr Moss would have been present but indisposition prevented him. 19 July 1902 Bunyan Chapel This historic place of worship held thanks giving services on Sunday. The Rev S C Hull, Tilehouse Street, Hitchin preached morning and evening. Mr James Rennie the well-known colporteur addressed the Monday evening; also Mr Wheeler (school superintendant), the Rev SC Hull of Salem Chapel and Messrs Payne and Tansley. 15 October 1898 Flower and Vegetable Show The boys and girls flower and vegetable show was held on Monday. A feature which attracts attention is that all produce is grown by boy gardeners on their own small allotments whilst the needlework is all done by girls. Mrs Barrington-White judged the wild flowers and Mrs Matthey examined the needlework. Mr T J Hartless (head gardener at Kings Walden) and Mr Cryer (head gardener at Offley Holes) decided honours in the vegetable department. Afterwards Mrs Barrington-White gave away the prizes. The committee were much pleased with the earnest efforts of Mr F A Robinson and the Misses Robinson of Vine Cottage who did the routine work involved. 31 August 1901 (Note: on 8 September 1900, a similar show took place. Then, Mr R de V Pryor assisted, Miss MacMillan decided the girls prizes and Mrs MacMillan presented them) Presentation Mrs Nelson Jones (of Pond Farm) has been given a flower stand as a token of esteem as she is leaving the village. 14 June 1902 Cricket The cricket club visited Kings Walden on Saturday. Messrs R de V Pryor, P Barrington-White, R Ashton, E Robinson, S Elgas, A Wray, W Clinch, H Thrussell, A Gresty, W Thrussell and W Sharp playing for the club. Kings Walden won by 24 runs. 5 July 1902 (Note: I was pleasantly surprised to learn that yet another member of my immediate family played cricket for Preston. ‘A’ might have been Alfred my grandfather who was aged 44, but was more likely to have been my uncle Arthur, aged 20. So during more than four decades, five Wray sons turned out for Preston CC) Extension of the public telegraphs to Preston Notice is hereby given that Her Majesty’s Postmaster General having obtained consent in that behalf of the body having the control of the public road between Hitchin and Preston Post Office intends to place a telegraph over and along the said public road and for that purpose to erect and maintain posts in and upon the said public road. 27 March 1894 New church for Preston Towards the erection of a new church, the Marquis of Salisbury has sent a cheque for £20. The building fund now amounts to about £750 14 January 1899 Kings Walden double wedding A pretty double wedding took place at the Parish Church recently. The contracting parties were Mr F W Robinson (son of Mr and Mrs F Robinson of Preston) and Miss Marie Lissa Mosset of Neuchatel, Switzerland and also Mr Hugh Barnes and Miss Catherine Mary Robinson (eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Robinson). The ceremony was fully choral. The newly married couples left amidst showers of rice and confetti and the ringing of bells. The brides wore dresses of cream alpaca trimmed with silk chiffon and lace with veils. 5 October 1901 Wanted Respectable girl about 15 or 16 to assist in housework. Apply Mrs Barber, Poynters End Farm, Preston. 28 January 1899. A Hasty Call As the sub-postmaster of Preston, Mr D Frost was about to start delivering the morning letters when he exclaimed ‘Oh dear’ and fell down near the counter, expiring within a few minutes. The medical man who was immediately summoned attributed death to a fit. 18 March 1899 Deaths February 4 at 293 Clapham Road, Ann relict of the late John Young of Preston in her 85th year (1875) September 6 at Preston, Mary widow of Thomas Palmer aged 91 years (1875) May 20 at Preston, Mary wife of David Scrivener aged 81 years (1877) June 7 at Preston, David Scrivener aged 74 years (1877) October 27 at Preston Hill, Kings Walden – James, son of Thomas Farey, aged 18 months (1877) Required by a young lady.......aged 20, as a useful companion or governess to one or two children, country preferred – Miss G A Brown Preston, Hitchin. 6 April 1895 Local patent Patent application – 1625. Pistons. Patentee –Mr J Dew, Castle Farm, Preston. The piston comprises two heads or covers and an intermediate plate forming two channels or spaces in which the piston rings are fitted. The plate is solid so that no fluid can pass from one side of the piston to the other, but the two covers are formed with openings for admitting fluid to the back of the rings for the purpose of pressing them into contact with the walls of the cylinder. 25 May 1901 POLITICAL MEETING AT TEMPLE DINSLEY A meeting in support of Mr HG Fordham, the Liberal Candidate, was held at Temple Dinsley, Preston on Friday, 7 August. The Hon. Henry Brand M.P. presided. The Chairman in introducing Mr Fordham spoke at some length on the question of allotments for agricultural workers. Mr Fordham then addressed the meeting and at the close of his speech a resolution confirming him to be a fit and proper person to represent the constituency was proposed by Mr Gray, seconded by a working man from the audience and supported by Mr A Ransom ......the resolution was carried nem. con. almost everyone in the room holding up his hand in its favour. 14 August 1885 HOSPITAL SITE DISCUSSED At a meeting of the Joint Hospital Board, the question of a site for the hospital was discussed, but no decision was come to as the board are awaiting for a definite answer from Trinity College, Cambridge as to the purchase of some land. Wymondley Cross Road and Jacks Hill were were mentioned. As to the former, a resident in the former threatened proceedings at law if it were selected. The Chairman said there were many natural objections to Jacks Hill. A suggestion was made as to Preston Hill but this was thought to be out of the way. 11 April 1902 MARRIAGE OF ALICE EMILY ARMSTRONG A pretty wedding took place at the Parish Church, Kings Walden on Thursday 12 June between Ralph Francis, eldest son of Mr RE Sanders, the Carriage Works, Hitchin and Royston and Alice Emily, second daughter of Mr Armstrong, Hill Farm, Preston. There was a large gathering to witness the event which was performed by Rev GS Clayton, the vicar. The service was choral and was conducted by Mr Hartless. The bride was attired in white silk trimmed with lace and orange blossom and wore a veil of orange blossom. She carried a shower bouquet and wore a gold bracelet, the gift of the bridegroom. The bridesmaids were Miss Flo Armstrong (sister) and Miss Irene Sanders (sister). They were dressed in white muslin over pale green and white hats swathed with white chiffon and foliage. They wore gold brooches and carried bouquets of pink roses. Mr F Armstrong (brother) was best man. After the wedding between 50 and 60 of the friends of both families sat down to breakfast in a spacious marquee erected on the lawns of Hill Farm. It was tastefully decorated with bunting and flags. The honeymoon will be spent in Bournemouth. A large quantity of lovely flowers were sent by Mr T Fenwick Harrison, and Mr J Barrington White among others. 20 June 1902 MISS FLOOD LEAVES PRESTON SCHOOL Miss Flood, Mistress of Preston School for a term of three years has been presented by the parents and children and her friends in the village with a travelling bag, toilet set etc as a parting gift for the kind, firm and admirable way in which she has conducted the school since her appointment. 20 August 1890 Anniversary services were held on Sunday and Monday in connection with the Bunyan Chapel Sunday School, Preston and were numerously attended. 3 July 1885 DAVIS (Plaintiff) v KIRK (Defendant) The plaintiff is a farmer at Preston and the defendant, a veterinary surgeon at Hitchin. The action was for £7 3s 8d - balance of money lent. The only dispute was as to a charge of £5 5s for professional services for the purchase of a horse in London. The defendant paid £1 18s into the Court. Evidence was given by the defendant to the effect that on April 1 he went to Tattersalls and to the Elephant and Crown Repository and examined several horse for the plaintiff, one of which he bought. The plaintiffs case was that Mr Kirk had no instructions from him but went to London with him merely as a friend. The Judge was of the opinion that the claim of £5 5s must be wholly disallowed, Judgment was therefore given for the balance between the amount claimed and the sum paid into the Court. 12 September 1886 DARTON’S EXECUTORS v REEVES This was an action to recover £24 10s paid by Mr Thomas Harwood Darton of Preston who is now dead to the defendant. There was no dispute as to the payment of the money by Mr Darton, but the defendant alleged that he had repaid it. It seemed however that he took no receipts for the money - which he said he repaid by instalments. Mt Shillitoe who appeared for the plaintiffs said no entry of any payments by the defendant had been discovered in the books of the deceased. The Judge said he was sorry he could not accept the defendant’s statement. He ordered that the money be paid in a fortnight. 12 September 1886 LOCAL BANKRUPTCIES …a well-attended meting of the creditors of Frank Brown, hay and straw dealer of Preston was held. He had total liabilities of £1,924 3s 11d and a deficiency of £1,739 6s 6d. He was in the witness box for nearly an hour.28 November 1890 WATCHING A PUBLIC HOUSE AT PRESTON William Jeeves, landlord of the ‘Chequers’ public house at Preston, was charged with refusing to admit the police to his premises on 13 September 1891. Ps Martin said…that he went over to Preston on Sunday with Ps Spriggs and kept observation on the ‘Chequers’ public house. He arrived there at half past five in the morning. Just before six he saw a young man go into the little yard in front of the door and come away again. Between half past six and seven he saw a nab come from the village and knock at the front door and then went down to the side gate and after being in a few minutes, he came out again. Some time after that, another man fetching water went into this side gate and others did the same up to half past nine. At two or three minutes to ten, a man named Jenkins walked straight into the front door and witness followed him directly. He found the door locked. He saw a young woman and he put his head in the window and called out ‘police’. Ps Spriggs went to the side gate and witness knocked with a stick so anyone could have heard him all over the village. He was about twelve minutes before he was let in when he saw Spriggs was in the house. The defendant pleaded that he was up in the garden and did not hear him knocking. He said the men who came in, came one for some garden stuff, one brought swill for the pigs and another to borrow a razor. He saw the landlord through the window immediately after Jenkins walked in. Jenkins straight walked in as if the door had been left undone and directly witness got up to the door, he found it locked. He saw a young woman cutting French beans and she threw down her knife and left the room. The solicitor appearing for the defence: ‘They were not in uniform at the time. He was close by the side of the road when he saw Jenkins go in. There were three windows open on the ground floor. He beat the door with the stick produced and hoped he did not damage it. Could not say who let Spriggs in. There was no drink about and he saw no pots or signs of drink in the tap room. He thought it was no use looking over as he had had time to clear the house. He did not suggest that things were put away from the tap room as he saw in the room window and did not see anything put away. The persons he saw go in early in the morning went into the double side doors. Could not say whether pigs were kept there. By the Bench: I did not hear any bolts or locks when Jenkins went in, but I did when I was admitted by the daughter when the landlord was in the passage. The double gates where these people went in were part of the defendants licensed premises. Ps Spriggs said he was in company with the last witness and could corroborate all he had said. When he went to the double gate, he found it was fastened. He peeped through and found two or three people running across the yard into a shed. Two of them were men. He shook the doors again and then he got up and looked over and saw the landlord’s daughter and a man standing close up against a brick wall. He called out that he was a police officer and it was no use for them to conceal themselves as he could see them. He told the daughter to go and let the other policeman in. The daughter went up the passage towards the the front door and the landlord came out at the side gates. The landlord said to the daughter, ‘why did you not let the policeman in?’. He saw no liquor about in any part of the house. They had plenty of opportunity of getting it away. He went upstairs but saw nothing about. The solicitor representing the defendant: I went in the bedroom and couldn’t find anything. Could not say that the men I saw were two men and a boy attending to the cattle at the back. I saw no cattle. He reminded the Bench that the only charge against the defendant was that he refused to admit these policeman. There was no question about keeping open his home or selling liquor during prohibited hours. He should shoe that there was no offence of the landlord who had been at the ‘Chequers’ for twenty years with out any proceedings against him. He submitted that although the daughter may have refused, she was not acting with the authority of the father who was away in the garden and came when her father came to ask him. He quoted a case where the actions of a wife were not considered binding upon the landlord. Immediately the daughter brought her father up, they were at once admitted. He submitted that there was no refusal or if there was refusal, it was without the authority or knowledge of the landlord. William Jeeves: After keeping the house for twenty years, this was his first appearance before the magistrates. His daughter came to him in the garden and told him there was someone who wanted to be admitted and he came and let them in. His daughter told him they were kept waiting five minutes. He heard no noise but immediately he was told it, he went and let them in. Jenkins was a relation of his and brought some wash for the pigs and had done so on a Sunday morning for ten years. He had no beer and the bar was not unlocked that morning at all. His daughter was in charge of the house that morning. He gave her no authority to refuse admission to the police and it was not to his knowledge that they were refused. He knew nothing of the men the witness Spriggs said he saw go away. He was gathering beans seventy or eighty yards away in the garden and could not hear the house even at the time and did not hear any noise. Ewington when he came in asked for some white turnips and a razor. My daughter did not say there were some policeman there, but some men there. Sarah Jeeves, daughter of the landlord, said she was in the tap room about ten o’clock when she let Jenkins in and then fastened the door. He came to bring a pail of swill for the pigs. Afterwards she heard someone knocking and she told Jenkins to stand still and they waited a minutes or two and then she went and fetched her father from the garden. He came back and then they were let in after being kept waiting five minutes. She had not seem them through the window. There was none but Jenkins in the house when Spriggs came to the back. Other persons came to the door that morning, but were refused entry. Ps Martin: I did not lay with my arms on the window blind and talk to two young men out of the window. One who came to the window had half an ounce of tobacco. I know you came to the house once, but I don’t know what you spoke about. I don’t know if you are known at Preston and don’t care (laughter). George Jenkins was called and as he was subject to ma charge of being on licensed premises during prohibited hours, he was cautioned as to incriminating himself. He said he was the brother-in-law of Jeeves. He went to the ‘Chequers’ to take a pail of wash and help the landlord do his things. He was in the habit of doing this on a Sunday morning. Directly the landlord knew of it the police were admitted. He saw no men leaving the yard. He had not been there two minutes when Martin came. He had no drink in the house and saw none about. The landlord’s daughter said, ‘stand still’ - that was all that was said. Did not stop to help with things that morning, but could not say why. The Chairman of the Bench said they had decided to convict in this case and taking into consideration it was the first time Jeeves had been before the Bench, they should inflict a small penalty of ten shillings. George Jenkins was also convicted but dismissed with a caution.18 September 1891 Re: PARISH COUNCILS ACT There was some discussion as to the transfer of of an outlying part of Ippollitts to the proposed civil parish of Preston. ..The Preston people would like the transfer but Ippollitts do not seem inclined to willingly give up any of their inhabitants. 6 July 1894 On Monday evening an organ recital was given in St Marys Church, Hitchin on behalf of the Preston Building Fund by Mr F Gostelow FRCO organist of the parish church, Luton. There was a large congregation. The collection raised £10 1s 7s 1/4d 18 November 1896 Repairs to the public well at Preston were ordered, the cost to be borne by the parish 15 June 1906 Henry Kefford, dealer, was fined 10s including costs for using obscene language at Preston Fair on 31 October. 16 November 1906
Preston in the news: Miscellaneous stories Part two